Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip in car on a 1959 royal visit to Canada, interesting bubble top on their Imperial, by Ghia.. Thanks Terry!


  1. Cool picture, the bubble seems to be off the Imperialist in this shot. Check out the Harley mounted RCMP bringing up the rear. Boy, I remember my Dad had one of these. What a boat that thing was.

    Just a side note on the banner today. Boy, GM test tracks were sure interesting back then.

    1. Thanks! The same odd look to the caddy in the 1957 photo (past the link) which says to me that the royals don't like convertibles, but oddly prefer the use of a car with the back window removed. This Landaulet style looks stupid to me
      HA! Good one liner on the post! I was quite surprised to find that, and photo shopped out a couple tourists standing on the rocks behind the car
