Tuesday, March 05, 2019

If YOU were the person walking up to this car, with a passed out drunk driver... would you think of any better way to handle this situation? Or is there simply nothing to be done differently?


  1. Unless you can read minds there's no way to do this differently. What if the man wasn't drunk, but having a heart attack, stroke, diabetic issues, etc.? I know a guy who got food poisoning at a restaurant and passed out behind the wheel in a church parking lot.

    1. It's a conundrum... and why I posed the question how I did. Certainly the most obvious possibilities are a heart attack or a drunk. Either way, the person needs help. I can't think of a way to prevent the drunk from taking his foot off the brake, and if it had been a heart attack, it wouldn't matter I suppose, but it's a car in gear, and possibly going to move when you break a window to get in to help.

  2. Well handled by the concerned person, not so much by the drunk. But ok, nobody died and it actually was quite funny....

  3. Looks like the guy in the last few frames is a carpenter...

    1. yes, I was thinking he might have been coming over with the hammer to break a window to get the guy out of the car
