Wednesday, March 13, 2019

clever craigslist ad to sell a Dakota in Austin... I think they got the engine size wrong though.... I believe it's a 3.9 l v6, not a 3.4


  1. I'm not a car guy and yet I keep coming to your site. I think it's because you're not "just" a car guy. History, humor and humanity on wheels--all collected with a unique eye and sensibility. Thank you for sharing it.

    1. Ah, but what you may not consider, is that is what a car guy is! Humor, humanity, as you probably agree that a car guy is generous and helpful with his time when other motorists need help, or advice, or recommendations, and sensibility must be a part of being a car guy, as a car guy will fix what he can instead of paying someone else to do it.... but won't get into repairing something too complicated, because we must judge for ourselves if we'd rather make a mess and pay someone else to then fix it.
      I'm really happy you're enjoying my blog! And you're welcome!
