Friday, October 26, 2018

Kansas, 1946, a thief stole this transporter and had gotten away until he crossed a dirt road and got high centered. Now, we know who founded the Swift trucking company! (thanks Shas!)

That thief grabbed this rig at the factory... and would have gotten away with the whole enchilada... but he just did not take into account the peak of the dirt road they went over, and the low clearance of the trailer

Seems he didn't have enough time to get those new cars off the trailer, or just decided to run for it so he wouldn't get caught

The stupid thief got nothing but embarrassed, and a story for life to tell other car thieves about how little clearance a trailer has when loaded with 4 cars

I bet you've never seen or heard of this before,... and I bet truquetructruk.tumblr will repost this and not give a source credit, again. Hey TTT? Fuck you, give, Dennylupino, or deathspraycustom another source credit, fuck you, you no talent hack


  1. And after he leave prison he did create a company know now as Swift Transportation Company.

    1. You just won the caption of the month! That is brilliant! Thank you!
