Monday, October 16, 2017

the Pur Sang Nicola Romeo

The engine is an Isotta Fraschini airplane six-cylinder 14.7-liter with 250-horsepower.

The work was completely handcrafted in the workshops of Pursang in Paraná , Entre Ríos,

Pur Sang is a group of artisanal enthusiastic mechanics and designers, with endless ideas including building aircraft engined specials in the style of the post-WWI era. What goes on at Pur Sang is amazing.

In the end, though, the process is less significant than the people, who are – and realize they are – privileged to work in an environment that creates marvelous objects. Yes, it’s a job, and at 5 o’clock they head out to their families but the pride and satisfaction they take from what they do, and in doing it well, is tangible throughout Pur Sang, from Leonidas Anadon, Pur Sang’s padron, to the second generation assembling cars and gearboxes with their fathers.


  1. I had the delightful experience of Appraising this vehicle recently. It was in a more complete state than your photos show. Truly, there is nothing like it. It now sits in a private museum in the U.S.

    1. Roughly where in the USA? And how did you stumble across my blog? Were you looking for the car, or looking through my blog and happened to find the car? I'm rarely visited by someone in the appraisal business.
      Do you have any wonderful stories to share?
