Thursday, April 27, 2017

things should be engineered so they can be repaired easily, quickly, and by most any half capable mechanic


  1. Sadly, it's usually the bean counters that force the engineers to do things they wouldn't rather do. I mean uh...or so I've heard.

    1. HA! Do you have some inside info on that?

  2. I remember way back when , when , Caddy marketing claimed that Caddy engineers put it there to protect it from "road debris and splash ".

    Always a big problem that splash

  3. When my mechanic (now 77 years old) and I have a job that comes in like this, I always say; "There's a very special place in hell for all these overpaid, over rated engineers who design this shit. They will be forced to work on their own hideous designs with nothing but a pair of plyers, screwdriver and a hammer for all eternity!"
