Saturday, February 21, 2015

Custom chopper theme bikes, not made to please everyone, some think they are too over the top, but I like a lot of them... here's a new one to me


  1. For another custom Harley that is a bit over the top, I suggest you google 'grayson perry'. He's a British artist who commissioned well renowned custom bike builder Battastini in London to build his bike. For all one can say about Graysen Perry - and his motorcycle - the guy has balls, darin to ride this one around. Note that instead of the armed forces' bike (sacrifice loyalty?), this one reads 'patience' and 'humility' on the tank sides.

    1. A bit? Well... ok, it took me too long to look it up, but wow, that is something. He got a motocycle into the British Museum. No bike builder ever pulled that off. That fact isn't going to get much recognition... it's amazing. The bike, well, is odd. Try this link, for a full look at Greyson, his leathers, and the bike:
