Sunday, March 31, 2024

WASP and instructor in front of a Republic P-47 (thanks Jack S!)

anyone else notice she's been pranked by being given something to hold something that says "do not remove from airplane"?


  1. I would not stand so close to the propeller.

  2. The one WAAF pilot I met was married to another pilot, why flew P-51s in The Pacific Theatre. You know about the arguments couples can have, even if they had them before and know they'll never agree? Well, literally for decades she and her husband would keep disagreeing about whether the P-51 or the P-47 was the better plane. She just loved the Thunderbolt....

  3. Oops - Jesse, for obvious reasons, please change the WAAF to WASP.

    1. I can't alter the comments, I can only post or delete. If you want, retype it, and I'll delete the old ones and post the new one

  4. It's ok as is. And for all I know, the woman on the photo could have been Kathy....
