Monday, March 11, 2024

People shouldn't have to sell their home and car to pay for end of life health care, but, ever since health insurance was invented, that's the way it's been. This '66 Belvedere HPII will soon be on the market

A real original Hemi, Jane would love to keep it in the family, but they want to get her good care for the rest of her life.

her last ride in it last summer before her health started failing


  1. In some countries - such as Brazil - health is a citizen's right and an obligation of the state.

    1. legally, and technically, prisoners, military, and people in custody (undocumented immigrants for example that are in processing) are supposed to be humanely treated.
      However, because greedy bastards run the system, they exploit the ways that the minimum care can be achieved, with maximum profit, and the people most in need of generosity, are the ones treated to the worst care.
      Example, the govt under President Reagan closed the state and federal mental institutions. That's why the crazy people are homeless, and never get psychiatric care to get better
