Wednesday, July 22, 2020

when Nancy Reagan said "Say no to drugs, stay in school" she was trying to prevent things like this


  1. The horror. I might never unsee that.

  2. Having come of age in the 70's there was always one guy in school who did something like this, i.e., taking a hand me down family car and trying to make it cool.

  3. Even though it's very strange looking to us, someone took some time to marry the two Dodge's together. Note the door on the Coronet has been modified to look like the Charger door. Pretty interesting despite the oddness of it. Or, is it photo shopped?

  4. That actually hurt my eyes.

  5. I had many cars and vans with big dreams that never came to fruition but hell, I was a kid with some dreams and it was and freedom. I thought I was looking good with an STP or Thrush sticker in my window!
