Saturday, July 25, 2020

this would have made a GREAT banner of they had taken a horizontal photo instead of a vertical one. ALWAYS shoot horizontal with your phone!


  1. Nearly all photos from the 50's (and several decades before and after) were shot in a 3:2 horizontal format. This was a result of the aspect ratio of standard 35mm film, used first for motion pictures and then commonly for still cameras - both the ubiquitous 35mm SLR and later the inexpensive 126 cartridge "point and shoot" camera. Cameras were horizontal format by default, and users would rotate them 90 degrees to shoot vertical.

    This photo is a 1.15:1 vertical format and, considering the tight composition, was probably cropped from 3:2 horizontal.

    If I ever have a chance to travel back in time to the 1950's, I'll be sure to tell them to hold their phones horizontally!

    1. If I ever have a chance to travel back in time to the 1950's, I'll be sure to tell them to hold their phones horizontally! 😄 Good one.
