Tuesday, August 14, 2018

what is the oldest motor company in the USA?

Well, Evinrude was around before Harley, in fact, Ole Evinrude helped the guys out in 1903 on their prototype motorcycle, the one they made after the motorized bicycle frame couldn't power up a Wisconsin hill.
I still need to look up more info, but for the moment, reflect on the idea that an outboard company has made engines longer than Ford, or Harley, or Cadillac.
Of course, that's provided they are still making engines.


Then there's Cadillac, made from what was left of the Henry Ford Company   https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buick

Buick was founded in 1899, Durant was a manager... and they're still around https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buick

Studebaker was founded in 1852, but did not begin producing automobiles until 1902; lasted until 1966. That's 114 years... of making vehicles. Not motors, but still.... respect!

Gerstenslager was founded in 1860, and lasted until at least 1997, so, 137 years, and RESPECT https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gerstenslager

Ford made his first car in 1896 but did not start the Ford Motor Co. until 1903, and during the period in between was involved with other automobile manufacturers such as Cadillac, founded in 1902.

But Autocar, founded in 1897, is the oldest motor vehicle manufacturer in the western hemisphere; and while originally an automobile maker, Autocar now builds heavy trucks. That's 121 years.... so they've eclipsed Studebaker, and are probably going to top out over Gerstenslager


This post will need more research, of course. Any work stoppage for WW2 is not relevant, most all companies in the USA had to switch to war production, and I find it immaterial to the discussion of who's made engines longest, or motorcars. Same goes for union strikes. 

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