Monday, April 30, 2018

Why are there so damn many kinds of car fuses? Couldn't anyone just go with the common style, or have some meeting and declare a particular type to be the universal standard?

Can you imagine 16 kinds of usb connectors, 16 kinds of windshield wiper fluid, antifreeze, gasoline, 16 kinds of tires per size.... etc?


  1. Yes, much better when you could substitute an .22 long for any fuse. ;o)

    16 tire sizes? We should be so lucky.

  2. Still much better then the array of plastic fasteners they use today.

  3. Actually, while I agree with you in principle, I think different fuses based on current rating would be a good idea. It can be too tempting to just put in a higher rated fuse if the original bows.
    Also, I think it's fair to say that some of the fuses in the picture are now pretty well obsolete; glass cartridge types have been replaced by blade fuses. Er, I think.
    Sorry to respond to a perfectly legitimate rant with boring facts.

  4. well, I guess that "16 kinds of windshield wiper fluid, antifreeze, gasoline, 16 kinds of tires per size" actually do exist:)
