Tuesday, February 23, 2016

question for the regular readers (you know who you are)

do you enjoy the complete scattershot of what ever the hell I run across, or when lots of posts all cover the same theme, like bicycles last week, or WW2 airplanes, or streamliner trains. 

I'm just curious, as sometimes I go days with out posting anything of consequence, and some days, there is nothing easy and frivolous


  1. Jesse, just keep doing what you've been doing! It's very entertaining...

  2. Um, yes....
    We like your blog, period. Personally it's a good balance. Post here post there, suddenly a theme, back to this and that.

    It's not broke, don't fix it....

  3. I like the surprise of coming here every day or so and wondering what cool stuff you're going to put here. I think you're doing an awesome job seeing as how you're not getting paid for this. Your efforts, as is, are appreciated.

  4. Jesse, the variety is what I enjoy most. We do a lot of old car tours: Glidden, Sentimental, Freedom Road Rally, etc., and my favorite stops are often not the auto museums or collections unless they're something different. Like my wife says, "How often do you want to look at the same cars?" Keep it up. You are absolutely one of the two best sites on the web.

  5. Good so far. I'm a newbie to your site, ( Christmas gift tablet loaded up... nice.). I flip thru a lot of sites daily, but rarely comment. I was going to ask about the deal with Swift, but someone beat me to it that very day.

    1. well... you've got about 9 years of archives to look through if you ever want to. Enjoy!

  6. I enjoy when it's mixed up. I must admit to skipping pretty much all the bicycle stuff from last week.

  7. I Love your blog and never do I get tired of the variety! Simply awesome! Keep up the good work for all of us! You are the best.

  8. I really enjoy the random post selections, sometimes you land a weekly subject that is of a little less interest to me. That doesn't mean that your site isn't a required visit of mine at least once a day, usually more often.

  9. It's all good but I do like the themed posts.

  10. I'm pretty on board with the scattershot approach. Never know what to expect. I can always gloss over it if I'm not interested. Sometimes I wish there was more information than just a photo. I'd like to know more details on some of the photos. (But maybe you do post more when you have it available!)

    1. I post all I know about a thing, it's just not often I dig into something very far, because of the other stuff that I want to post. Heck, most of the time I forget to go back and get into something, because I get distracted so fast. I bet no one notices though, that about a couple of old archived posts get updated every day.

  11. Don't change anything! Except maybe your comment system, which never recognizes me on Google, despite being logged in

    1. Unknown, I'm sorry, but I can't do a darn thing about the way Google has designed their format to allow comments. I'd improve a lot of stuff about it!

  12. Scattershot is the best for me. However, The occasional theme (like the bicycles) is good too. Don't think about it so much...do what you do. It's all good.

  13. well, you all are very nice, and lucky, since you all are unanimous that the variety is working well, I'll just stick to that!

  14. I enjoy the variety, and I am one of those that visit daily.

  15. What a great mix of eclectic transportation related things. "If it has tits or wheels it will give you problems" and you seem to concentrate/focus on the wheels which makes the site enjoyable. No fear of reading it at work or in front of the grand children and wife.

    Please keep up the great work and do not change your style.


  16. yes ,keep doing what youre doing.

    love the random transportation stuff !

    1. Great, keep enjoying while I just post the random stuff that I stumble across

  17. Thank goodness the bicycle void was filled last week. Just hoping you don't go on a Segway binge. Stay random. Whatever strikes your interest. And be wary of claims made by WWII pilots - they get a chuckle when you believe some of their stories!

    1. those ol beard waggers! Darn it! That's two days in a row I've wasted all morning being excited to have a neat little story to share, to waste all morning trying to validate them (International Dog House Club and Nazi B17) to find out the stories were made up

  18. I agree with the others - keep doing what you are doing. Sometimes there will be posts that I'm not interested in, and I'll just skim over them. It's interesting to see what new sources you find and highlight for a while.

  19. It's the diversity of your blog that keeps it interesting. The fact that the number of hits you get keeps going up says you must be doing something right. Keep 'em coming!

  20. Just throw anything out here, I'll appreciate it no matter what.

    1. Right then, on we go! Thanks!

  21. Jesse, your blog is excellent. Don't worry about what we want to see, focus on what you enjoy. Your enjoyment of the blog is important. It seems what you like is what we like.

    1. well, shoot... Now I have a new post about the movie Waldo Pepper! Thanks!

  22. I enjoy the randomness! I say don't change a thing and thank you for my daily dose of cool stuff!

    Websites I visit every day: Talking Points, Hemmings Blog, The Old Motor and Shorpy.

  23. Just keep doing what you do. I enjoy it all.
