Monday, March 18, 2024

Back when a single blue collar high school graduate's income could pay for a house, a car, AND with a couple buddies teamed up, they could race fund a racecar for a season

notice that they are all leaning on its matched set full size muscle car.

I guess this is a sportsman? Midget?


  1. once the great people in DC voted for NAFTA, the days of supporting a family on one blue collar income were over.

    all those mills and factories went to Mexico in just a few months, and now most are in China.

    Ive got friends and family that still live in small towns that had a textile mill or a factory, and those towns are now ghost towns.

    1. yup. Take down the borders, recind all the legal protections that kept corporations from outsourcing, and killing jobs... and suddenly, there is no middle class in this country, JUST LIKE MEXICO and CHINA!!! Huh!
      I was born and raised in a boom town that nearly disappeared, and made a facebook page about it's history (you already know I like looking into history) and learned a LOT about it that I had never heard about when I lived there until age 18.
      Ford once had a logging camp there, in the early 1920s, and a famous farm was there for the two decades prior to Ford, and Ford and his "Vagabonds" famous friends had toured through once, Edison, Ford, Kingsford, Firestone... if you want to look around

  2. I think that is one of the prettiest classic coupe body race cars I've ever seen. I'd put lights and a wiper blade on that wind screen and take that down the road.

  3. The #56 is a Nance chassis supermodified that raced in Alberqueque, NM in the early 1970's.
