Sunday, August 21, 2022

1927 Avoin Voisin painted to mimic the Sonia Delaunay design on the 1925 Vogue magazine ... thank you Doug!

A fan of the finest prewar art and automobiles, the new owner who bought this car in 2015 found himself inspired by Sonia Delaunay’s design on the first British edition of Vogue magazine, which depicts a motorist wearing a Sonia Delauney “simultaneous” dress and leaning on an open Voisin painted in an Art Deco triangle motif. 

With his Voisin in need of cosmetic refurbishment, the owner embarked on its restoration, which included a variation of this stunning ornamentation being hand-painted by Dutch artist Bernadette Ramaekers. The work took six months to complete and stands as a testament to both the original design and Ramaekers’ ability with a brush.

I first posted about Sonia Delaunay in 2016 as it's shocking that she had such vision to create car paint designs, that I don't think anyone else has ever attempted in geometrical ways

to see for yourself the unique way that Delaunay's designs made 1920s cars appear to be personalized to the owner, but not quite distracting works of art, see and keep in mind that for French cars, it makes sense, as in the USA the multi colored beauty of the Ruxton was unique 


  1. I've been researching Sonia Delaunay's 'art cars', and concluded that neither of these examples are by her! The Delaunay-Belleville auto company started in 1908, and had nothing to do with Robert Delaunay. The Vogue cover is Jan 1925, many months before the famous Ariés Torpedo painted for journalist Maurice Kaplan was exposed to the world in press photos for the Heim display at the Exposition des Arts Decoratif. While the car was clearly inspired by Sonia's work with fabrics, as far as I know she had NOT painted a car yet! Lepape did a brilliant job on the cover, but it had nothing to do, as far as I can tell, with Sonia Delaunay.

    1. I researched them more, see for the other posts.
      If you can prove what you say, great! But I read that you say you only have a conclusion.
      What caused you to research Sonia's art cars? It's a thing I don't think anyone has done as much as you or I on her art cars
