Thursday, July 04, 2024

It's been 3 years since an explosion of fireworks in South Los Angeles displaced dozens of residents, when the LAPD explosives demo team effed up the job of disposing of fireworks for crying out loud... fireworks!

LA City Council had to approve a 21 million dollar settlement, because instead of forcing the LAPD to learn a profession, and train to do a job right... LAPD fucked up again. 

LAPD couldn't take the advice of ONE team member who KNEW they were going to blow up the damn bomb disposal truck. 

LAPD couln't WEIGH the damn fireworks to SAFELY load the bomb disposal truck UNDER the limit! 

The bomb squad packed 42 pounds of explosives into 33 pound limit bomb disposal truck, that's just fucking stupid, what's worse? They thought they put 10 pounds into it. Yeah, under-estimated by 75 percent!

The armored containment vessel that was rated for only 33 pounds, according to a federal report. The fireworks were supposed to be detonated safely at the scene because they were too unstable to move but the vessel exploded, and debris rained down on scores of residences, businesses and vehicles.

The explosion injured 10 law enforcement officers and seven residents and damaged 22 homes, 13 businesses and 37 cars and trucks. About 80 people were displaced and some have yet to return to the neighborhood.

Federal investigators said that bomb squad technicians underestimated the weight of the explosive material because they gauged it by sight instead of using a scale, and also ignored the warnings of a team member who said the explosive material should be broken into smaller loads.

The Los Angeles Police Department has admitted fault for the explosion

If you're offended by the use of the term RETARDS to describe people who act stupid, because it's no longer socially acceptable after the large number of mentally handicapped kids born to drug users who caused their kids to be autistic, what in the 70s we knew as "retarded" then ok. Be offended by the words I use, and ignore the situation which inept, inexperienced, untrained, unable or unwilling to SAFELY do a job that was NOT an emergency rush. 


  1. If the name fits......I had a brother who has passed away, who had birth defects because the doctor screwed up. At least that's what I remembered. He was fortunate in that our mom helped found a system in Seattle to help kids like our brother have the best life he could.
    I wouldn't call him retarded, just a bit unlucky in life, I guess..(If that made any sense)....The coppers earned it..

  2. P.S. Our brother Eric loved V.W.'s..Guess that made him "A Car Guy?"
