Monday, March 30, 2020

Diosley Pino grew up in Cuba, moved to the USA, and headed to Santa Paula Ca... and found a 1926 Model T he loved, then made it his daily driver. Original paint and original interior. They seriously built these to last forever... it's a 94 yr old daily driver

that brief title is pretty amazing.... but what it doesn't answer is how he got one of the most prestigious car photographers in the USA, Michael Furman, to photograph it.

You can watch a video past the link, but it doesn't tell you much at all, just that Pino loves his Model T

the only thing I can find out on the internet about this car, or the owner, is that you can rent this Model T for $450 a day on Hagerty Drive Share,%20CA,%20USA&mk=&md=&p1=0&p2=4000&ta=1&tm=1&s=recommended&i=97&v=list

and he has a body shop

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