Friday, November 01, 2019

well, if you're not going to fly in the winter, or the cold... why not? I'd suppose this probably increases gas mileage by weight savings. For that matter, why not wrap it in a bit of cellophane if you needed to?

Base aircraft features include an 18-gallon fuel tank, 153 square foot wing surface area, a maximum takeoff weight off 1,234 pounds, and a load capacity of 639 pounds.  Costs around 70 thou


  1. The miniscule weight savings are countered by the much worsened aerodynamics, but what the heck, it looks great. Much like an Ariel Atom looks great.

  2. closest to "wonder woman's" invisible plane .... got to say, 😬 that would REALLY be "in the breeze...." honey. .... ??? look what I found?? on the interweb.....
