Monday, November 11, 2019

I'm missing Paul Harvey today, maybe you are too. Here are a commercial, a Paul Harvey news, and Rest Of The Story compilation

and if that causes you to need a kleenex, you can be sure that you're not alone.

Found one, skip to 2:18 to get past the commercial and to listen to Paul.  Around 10:44 some radio interference noise worms in. It's not too bad though


  1. I worked in an auto shop when I was younger. The only time that shop got quiet was when Paul Harvey came on. Lord help you if you interrupted the time with the sound of an air impact!!!

    1. I love that.
      That's some down home America right there, guys working in a garage, and being quiet when Paul Harvey news was on.
      Probably had a coffee maker in the shop, a Snap On calendar on the wall somewhere, and were closed on the first day of fishing season!

  2. You sent me down the rabbit hole on this one. I miss that calming voice of reason that we so desperately need today.

    1. It was only by chance I came across the Dodge truck commercial, and that had me out looking for some of his news, and "rest of the story" on Youtube, and I got lucky. I loved listening to the PH News, and miss that paced reporting of variety of local news no one else does.
