Saturday, June 01, 2019

Kids size Cadillac... bought for £62 by Queen Alexandra, wife of Edward VII, who gave it as a gift to her grandson, Prince Olaf of Norway.


  1. 8-) According to the Hungarian text: "Children using a automobile. The Cadillac factory made this little car for the children of the Siamese king." It is from 1913.
    Jesse, if you need help in any Hungarian translation, please feel free to turn to me, I am glad to help. Especially that I was involved in the Ritkán Látható Történelem (History Rarely Seen) blog as a guest author.

    1. thanks! I posted about them here
      Wow, Thanks for the translation offer! I might need that! I can't tell that it's Hungarian though... so, not being able to recognize the Hungarian language will also reduce the number of times I ask for help
