Friday, September 27, 2024

this 1944 Beechcraft Staggerwing has been stored in a T hanger in Arizona since 1994, but it hasn't flown since the late 70s or early 80s.

That's decades of optimism that someday it might fly again. I doubt it though, considering the 100k to get it flying again


  1. What a shame. But there is a company in the south island,NZ that has done one of these.I was lucky to see it in their workshops in 2006 after the Warbirds over Wanaka. At Easter every second even year;You need to go! Anyway,I think it's the "Old Wooden Aircraft Co." I have video,but memory dims'think it was close to Invercargill.

  2. Staggerwings are really beautiful machines.. Cruise was close to 200 MPH but they used a LOT of fuel.. The big radial typically used 30-45 gallons per hour of avgas.. They were known to be a handful to land.. A family friend was killed landing his a bit short of the runway.. back in the mid 1960's..

  3. Beechcraft or Stinson Staggerwings are fairly rare and very collectable. Big buck planes with plenty of people that would restore it.
