Thursday, September 26, 2024

a woman flying Cathay Pacific had just horrible people sitting behind her, who were NOT going to allow her to recline her chair, OR continue with the rest of the trip without extreme harrasment

During a flight from Hong Kong to London, on Sept. 17, a woman had a terrible married couple in the seats behind her

"The lady behind me asked if I could put my seat upright because it was obstructing her husband's view of the TV," the woman recalled, noting in the caption that the plane was flying smoothly at the time. "After I politely refused, she started stretching her feet onto the armrest, kicking my arm and angrily cursing at me."

The the flight attendant came over, and instead of doing the right thing, and getting the couple to lay off, and shut up, had the victim position her seat to THEIR liking.

The couple then started to kick the back of her seat, the passenger said in her post. She said she requested to switch seats but that this was declined by the flight attendant. “Since we are fully booked today, we couldn’t find another seat for you,” the crew member is heard saying in the video.

Surrounding passengers stood up for her, criticizing the couple's disruptive behavior.

The passenger was then offered a new seat. 

Since the economy cabin was fully booked, the crew arranged a seat in premium economy for the passenger, and the couple will be banned from all future flights of the Cathay Pacific airline.

When things escalated to this point, and other passengers stepped up to defend the victim, suddenly there was a seat available. What if no one had spoken up? Was I supposed to just keep tolerating it? 

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