Tuesday, June 04, 2024

Jeremy Clarkson has shared the one key reason why he is unable to offer jobs at his Cotswolds farm to some teenagers. They don't have a car to get to work

a trend that Clarkson has noticed among the teens applying for jobs, is that many haven't learned to drive.

Clarkson revealed the "one thing in common" most applicants have is that they haven't passed their driving test..

"So how are they going to get to and from the farm when it’s three in the morning and a pig is dying? Or it’s 10pm and we’ve just decided to plough one more field before calling it a day?"

Clarkson went on to question why this trend among the younger generation has come into existence, putting it down to the fact that many view cars as a "unnecessary expense".

"I know of no young person who thinks a car might be 'fun'. Or that speed is exciting... Nor do they see a car as a symbol of freedom. They see it as a tool. And, worse, a tool they can do without."

Clarkson's complaint comes just days after he explained the list of requirements he looks for from applicants in a social media post.

One fan said they'd take like to work at his farm, which prompted Clarkson to reply: "If you would work fucking hard and be prepared to put your whole arm in a cow, and never moan, we’d take you."

He also told another fan: "The shop is always on the look out for bright, chatty people. We don’t care about qualifications. Just be fun."


  1. I just finished watching season 3 of Clarksons Farm.

    Its a miracle we have food to eat.
    he's well documented how difficult it is to make any profit farming, and clearly documented how much effort the govt puts into making farming even more difficult.

    1. agreed.
      Did you enjoy the show?
      And I realize his, and most, farms have govt subsidies, but I think his was losing their subsidies because of the EU regs.
      Why his local busybodies are so dead set against the tourist business he along brings to the area, 7 days a week?
      Too many Karens in HOAs and city govt
