Sunday, January 16, 2022

Copenhagen bike path is separated from automobile traffic area in 1915, with a clever string guide for a painting machine. I think the operator might even be using a bike's tire pump to pressurize the paint tank


  1. The collection of artwork, information on Buitoni, the Copenhagen bicycle races with the history of them, and the liberation of women through bicycles is a fine effort to enlighten us. Thanks so much.

  2. Awww shucks. You're so welcome, I'm just sharing the stuff I find interesting or entertaining.... that Buitoni had to wait out WW2 in New York, but succeeded there in business? And that his company hired Seneca, who then had a statue made of that one Buitoni poster character, that went on the Tour De France? That's some amazing stuff for me, to learn about, and I hope that other people get a kick out of it.
    The history of women getting out and about due to bicycles is something I posted about some time ago, so I was so happy to discover this Copenhagen website that had the photo of the biking school!
