Monday, December 06, 2021

guy in wheelchair shot in the back 9 times. He didn't have a gun, he couldn't get away... but was shot in the back by a hysterical cop, 9 times. For stealing a tool box from Walmart.

A Tucson police officer has been fired after he was accused of fatally shooting a 61-year-old man in a wheelchair

He defended his idiocy by stating that "Police business is messy" and his lawyer stated "the video released by police did not offer a complete picture of events leading to Monday's shooting."

I can tell you that the lawyers statement is misleading, creating a narrative that he wants you to believe in, where you give his client the benefit of the doubt. You know, because murder, that is shooting someone in a wheelchair moving slowly, in the back, 9 times. 

He forgot that the people are no longer ignoring cops murdering people that were not a threat, because wheelchairs like the one this victim was in? Don't travel fast, are easily stopped by small objects, and deadly force is not the first responsible action police are trained, and ordered, to use. 

Have cops forgotten the murder of George Floyd already, and the extreme reaction of people to police murdering people that could easily be arrested instead?

They are to use their taser, or baton, or pain compliance techniques first. Since a guy in a wheelchair has to use a hand and arm to operate a wheelchair, it is very easy to grab that arm, or hand and pain to get the guy to quit acting aggressively. 

How do I know? I spent 6 months building and repairing electric wheelchairs, and 3 years as an MP, and was trained in those simple harmless wrist twists, bent fingers, arm bars, use of a taser, and a Monadnock PR24. 

Also, this isn't the first time cops have shot a guy in a wheelchair as I posted last June because cops murdering people that do not pose a threat, aka guy in a wheelchair that is easily avoided by 99 percent of the bipedal population, certainly did not cause the cop to "fear for his life" the excuse most cops use to shoot people

Tucson police chief Chris Manus stated "His use of deadly force in this incident is a clear violation of department policy and directly contradicts multiple aspects of our use of force training," Magnus said. "As a result, the department moved earlier today to terminate Officer Remington."

Notice they did not arrest the cop that murdered a guy in a wheelchair 


  1. Damn, that's truly fuck up.

  2. i really love Usa , but this type of "human" cannot be policeman , keal a man of 61 years old in whellschair in the back!! this is not a policeman but a real a cowardly man

    1. there are a lot of police like this in the USA, one killed George Floyd, 3 others stood by and kept anyone who would prevent that death from interfering, and I have posted about a 190 other examples of extremely horrible police, that attacked, abused, tortured, maimed, murdered, and covered up atrocious actions.
      I post these to remind good people that ignoring this behavior is unconscionable, and I choose to object and use my platform to maintain public awareness of this kind of news to prevent it from being overlooked and forgotten in time

  3. Suicide by cop maybe? Still, where's the treat? Nine times in the back? Was he going to lunge while in the wheelchair? Remember this when you're in the same position. You can kill someone in the back nine times while there moving away from you and still call it self defense. Remember folks, it's a legal system not a justice system. Stay out of it.

  4. why would a guy in a wheel chair steal a toolbox ?

    1. to sell I suppose. I hadn't given it a moment of thought. Maybe he was also homeless and needed a secure container for his things. Since the cop killed the guy, we won't ever learn why.
