Saturday, November 27, 2021

The Driver, fantastic art and animation

THAT is an amazing animation project, and astonishes me that it's not a corporation made video... it's so damn good, it's difficult to believe that it's a personal project, because there just are not many people this talented!  

How talented? Well, Oscar Award winning talent, which he didn't mention when I talked to him, and he didn't mention that he is a CGI artist on Spider Man Into the Spiderverse, and Spiderman Far From Home! THAT talented!

I talked to the artist, Chris Hung, at Comic Con, and learned that he waited 8 years for the URL to become available, that is a lot of patience and perseverance 


  1. That looks really good! I love the disclaimer at the end of the trailer.

    1. thank you! I stopped watching after the animation was over, and didn't see that! I appreciate the tip!
