Sunday, August 04, 2019

Tractor was in gear when it was started up to show at an auction.


  1. Am I missing something? How is it possible that this could be started "in gear?" For years and years cars and trucks have needed to be in neutral or park to be started and if it's a manual trans, you need to have the clutch "in." Farm equipment doesn't have the same safety setup? Sounds more like serious cockpit error.

    1. I don't have any info beyond what the source said.... started in gear. The prevention device that keeps us from starting a vehicle in gear with an automatic transmission is a "neutral safety switch" and you actually can key the starter of a manual transmission in gear... but you simply do not want to. It won't "start" the engine, but the starter motor will MOVE that vehicle for as long as you keep the key in the start position

  2. I once nursed an out-of-gas Beetle one block to a gas station by cranking it in first gear.

    - Don in Oregon
