Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Cadillac Service truck... because if it's in need of rescue, it might just need a sledgehammer and shovel to put it out of it's misery and bury it? What the hell is the shovel going to do for servicing a Cadillac?


  1. Dirt and muddy roads back then.

    1. yes, and horse crap on the roads.. . but I'm trying to be funny. So, not doing so well on the funny part huh? Because when you feel that you need to point out that I am unaware of the dirt road situation, after the dozens, or hundreds, or posts I've made about the roads before and after paving was invented... then my attempt at humor hasn't had the effect I hoped for

    2. Must have a bucksaw for them corduroy roads!

  2. The shovel is there in case the sledgehammer breaks.

  3. The Cadillac is a 1914, the last of the four cylinder models. A very long stroke engine - 4 1/2" x 5 3/4" for 366 cid - and a two speed rear end.
