Monday, December 31, 2018

have you seen the 1960 Buick Electra that the Kinks had?

painted by BEV,

which the next couple posts will get into, with a few coats of gesso sanded down to a “glass-like finish” then the colour (household gloss paint mixed with ‘Flamboyant Enamel’) applied by hand.


  1. The "Kinks"...You really got me going.....etc....I can remember my 8 tracks blasting and the sounds included the "Doors"...My 331 Chev. in my '55 or in my '64 Vette coupe.Blasting around the motorhead routes in Seattle...
    Dick's drive-ins..Lake City..U Dist...Capitol hill.....
    Try that today....Busted...Pulled over to the clink.
    And I'm not talking about where they play football or whatever, i never go back anymore..

  2. What's your thoughts on driving a 64 Corvette vs any of todays commuter compacts? I'm curious if they have a comparable amount of handling. The commuters certainly have no acceleration like a sbc, or bbc, but, with all the advancements in tires, suspension, and steering, I've wondered how they would compare to a 60s Corvette.
    You really think you can't take a 55 Chev, or a 64 Vette, and blast come classic rock on the cruise routes without cops hassling you? I'm thinking the cops are far more likely to pull me over to shoot the shit about the car. I've been pulled over twice just so they can do that, once when crossing Utah on the interstate. He was restoring a couple of cars, and had to tell me all about it. What a dick. No one needs the damn lights and sirens to then be a captive audience to hear all about a cops small car collection
