Monday, May 02, 2016

Becker stereos... 3 models, Europa, Mexico, and Gran Prix

I only found  the Mexico and Gran Prix in Ferraris, 

The Europa was AM FM and shortwave

510 Radio Becker Mexico (Olympia with stereo-cassette)
511 Radio Becker Mexico, cassette, full stereo
512 Radio Becker Europa cassette
513 Radio Becker Europa stereo, USA
514 Radio Becker Europa LMKU (LW, AM, SW, FM)
515 Radio Becker AM, FM, USA
516 Radio Becker Grand Prix
517 Radio Becker Monte Carlo
518 Radio Becker Europa stereo
519 Radio Becker Grand Prix, USA


  1. I have a Becker Grand Prix in my 66 Mercedes 250SE Coupe. It is a tube radio, with AM, FM, & Longwave, and has the separate amplifier. It is listed as 519 on the data card.

  2. I have been a huge Mercedes fan over the years and the Becker Mexico cassette was the desire, I look at this design and think, "How classy is that." I think Becker designers where very cleaver people, I thing their is a lot to be said about simplicity and aesthetically nice to the eye, maybe technology good return this philosophical principle, keep it simple and easy to use, good build quality..HQ and timeless lines of worth class and beauty. Well done Becker, very cleaver, a Mercedes-Benz 300SEL 6.3 Dash looks empty without your Mexico cassette funy the wheels are called Mexican hats also on this car, lets go Mexico so..."Quiero tocar un poco de jazz briziliano y conducir por la noche, contemplar los faros en la carretera y ver al Becker reflejarse en el parabrisas, soñando con los placeres tesoros de este mundo."
