Saturday, July 06, 2024

B-29 refueling in the Marianas - 1945 (thanks Marc!)


  1. That last picture of the fuel nozzle aiming at the tank filler looks risky. Wind, mental distraction or leg cramp could have gut gas everywhere. With Hueys we fueled in to the tank from the side on the fuselage requiring the nozzle to be inside the tank. Very seldom did we ever shut down to fuel as there were usually only 3 to 5 nozzles available and always other ships on the ground running and waiting on a opening. There was a heavy grounding strap for each aircraft to prevent any static electricity. Depending on our load the pilot watched our weight gauge and would wave us to stop knowing we would be taking ammo next.Gunships would then hover to the rearm pont and load up on rockets, 40mm nose gun and M-60 machine gun or mining gun linked rounds.Most always we were in a hurry as some unit was needing help. I wouldn't have it any other way!

    1. I was looking at that too... wondering why the hell the nozzle wasn't in the tank port. I gotta figure that guy had his reason.
      I don't even know why airplane nozzles aren't curved, they are exactly like the photo, a piece of straight pipe
