Saturday, June 29, 2024

I just learned that Virginia actually allows people to drive without insurance, if they pay $600 yearly fee.

Take a moment to ponder... if these people do not have a car insurance policy, and they travel out of state, and have a car collision, and they do a lot of damage to someone else, how does that person get their car fixed? 

Just a thought


  1. In Louisiana, you do not have to have automobile insurance if you have $10,000 in assets. You have to do some kind of paperwork which you carry in the car instead of insurance. This actually makes sense for companies like the Telephone Company which has 100s, maybe thousands of trucks. The law is so old that $10,00 in assets is ridiculously low.

    1. alot of states have very low required minimums for insurance, some states its like $10K

  2. I feel sorry for the motorist who gets hit by one os these vehicles. True, we carry "uninsured motorist" coverage, but the damage to life and property could be much more. Now, we start the lawsuits. By the time the matter is litigated, t injured innocent party might have died from his or her injuries.
