Friday, May 10, 2024

This license plate “F46 LGB”... is a challenge to figure out without looking it up on google... just to figure out what the hell it means, before you can try to figure out why the Ohio license bureau insists it will not get made

Here's how it gets more ridiculous, Ohio has made plates with LGB and F46. 

So, in other plates, those parts were not censored, they weren't even noticed. 

But when put together, F46 LGB is a problem that the Ohio Bureau of Motor Vehicles can not tolerate. 

Odd right?

So, what the hell is the censored meaning of F46 LGB? Fuck Joe Biden Let's Go Brandon.

Seriously, I had to look that up, I did not see a thing when I read F46 LGB. 

Jeffrey Wonser filed a complaint last week in Ohio’s Southern District federal court.

 The lawsuit also alleges the BMV’s review process has been more lenient to anti-Republican messages, choosing to approve “FDT” and “IH8GOP”

 “Under such a system, the BMV’s censors can simply search for obscure justifications to prohibit any messages they don’t like,” it reads. “And they often simply defer to the tastes of random bozos on the internet.” 

The complaint alleges violations of the First Amendment and seeks to have the court declare the BMV’s license plate screening guidelines to be unconstitutional and bar the BMV from enforcing them — and also to approve Wonser’s license plate.

I've posted 431 times on license plates, so it's too time consuming for me to go back through them to find the one I'm thinking of, but I believe the matter was already settled in court, that this is clearly the govt interfering in the first amendment freedom of speech constitutional right of the people from government interference. 

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