Monday, May 13, 2024

the Draco. As always, when some annoying twerp makes a video, skip the first minute, and turn off your volume, the edm garbage is very annoying (thank you "Concrete" for introducing me to the Draco!)


  1. His latest creation

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. what was my complaint? I'll quote here so you can get right to it "video, skip the first minute, and turn off your volume, the edm garbage is very annoying"
      1) annoying twerp makes a video where you ought to skip the 1st minute.
      You didn't address that.
      2)EDM garbage music
      You didn't address that.
      Instead, you point out him having a you tube channel. That isn't relevant. How many subscribers, not relevant. Is a professional cinematographer, not relevant. Does drone work, not relevant.
      Instead of addressing anything relevant to my complaint, where I forgot to mention that anyone that opens a video with the following words is unprofessional and needs a clue "Allright guys, so, if you haven't seen.... this yet, uhhhh, I don't know where you've been, but...." is an annoying twerp.
      He could be everything you think he is, and it didn't come across because "Allright guys, so, if you haven't seen.... this yet, uhhhh, I don't know where you've been, but...." drowned out his superb qualities.
      And then, that fucking music from the 25 second mark, to 1:19 when it gets drowned out thank god by the engine
      That's my take. You're welcome to address my points I brought up, it would be interesting if you could stick to them, instead of talking about everything BUT what I said. That's up to you. I'm here bringing interesting stuff to my blog. That's what I do. I'm not a company or corporation that bleaches out all opinions from the content, and comes off like a robot wrote the material, I am free to add my opinions, perspective, and call a spade a spade. If I wasn't expressing myself, this blog wouldn't exist.

    2. picture here an emoji thumbs up.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. 1) annoying twerp makes a video where you ought to skip the 1st minute.
      You didn't address that.
      2)EDM garbage music
      You didn't address that.
      but you "feel" you did. Huh. So, you're not very smart.
      You're struggling to understand... yes, I see that, ... why I even posted about the plane.
      Hmmm, again, you're not very smart. Try asking someone else to give their view on why I did. See if they instantly understand.
      I am sure they will, and then, maybe, you'll have them explain it to you, and maybe, then, you'll understand why I posted about the Draco. BECAUSE IT'S INTERESTING you mook.
      It wasn't to rip on the twerp.
      Ironically you seem to like his blather, "Allright guys, so, if you haven't seen.... this yet, uhhhh, I don't know where you've been, but...." and don't take offense to it, even though you're coming across as a snowflake like that Britney fan and really ought to be falling to pieces at every put down anyone says.
      You've enjoyed MY blog, despite my honest day to day take on everything, but this was the last straw?
      Holy shit. Are you even serious? You've ignored or agreed with my attitude on everything until now?
      No fucking way.
      But, no, this isn't a place to freely exchange YOUR thoughts. It's mine. That's what a blog is you sweet naive snowflake. It's one person's view on the stuff they are posting. It's not an invite for anyone's opinion.
      It's a free website for LIKE minded people to enjoy, whatever the topic, regardless of political party, religion, racist or sexist behavior.
      Anyone else can shut the fuck up and go away, they were never handed an invitation to read along. They showed up uninvited, and stayed too long, like you. No one minded you being here, as long as you either remained silent, or got along with whatever I had to post or say.
      About the EDM, I didn't ask you, I really don't care. Well, same goes for your take on what I have to say about anything.
      See, I know it's hard to take criticism, and you must feel you're being attacked, but you're not. You're being educated, by having the obvious explained to you by a old guy that has been REALLY clear on a LOT of posts that this is MY thing. It's not for everyone, it's obviously more than you can cope with, that I exist, have opinions you disagree with or find offensive, and ironically, you probably wish I was a tolerant as you THINK you are.
      BUT, YOU are the intolerant twit that can't deal with my take on whatever you're finding annoying.
      And that, you idiot, is not disparaging your character either. It's trying to illuminate your narrowminded shortsightedness in the very area you must pride your self on.
      Calling you an idiot? THAT is disparaging you.
      And no, I don't post my comments on his, or anyone else's channel. Why the hell would I waste my time making myself look like an idiot the way you just did coming to my version of a "channel" and complaining about ME? I doubt you even comprehend what the fuck a channel is. A you Tube streamer doesn't have a channel, they have a page.
      Their page has a "Home", a playlist, a community, videos, etc. A channel is a selection on a television knob based on a frequency, or a waterway with a deep area for a length of distance where it is safe for boats to move between land masses.
      No, I haven't "forgotten" if you're new here or not, it seems like you are, but then you state "I have always enjoyed your blog" so, maybe you've been here since I started. Again, that's impossible that you could, and after 17 years finally get upset with my opinion or writing, because I called this guy a twerp.
      Go, find a "safe space", or protest a college, or color your hair, or whatever you snowflakes do to get attention when the rest of the world ignores you
