Tuesday, April 16, 2024

in 1970s and '80s Soviet racers modified magnesium helicopter wheels (a multi-piece 14 by 9-inch wheel) to replace heavy steel rims, because aluminum rims were unobtainable


  1. "because aluminum rims were far more expensive"
    No, there is a missunderstanding. There were no rims other then factory steel rims were available at all for Soviet cars. The helicopter rims however were possible to get through bribing mechanics to nick them from wrecks or simply steal them from warehouses. However those are required massive machine works and balancing. What is unclear for me, what kind of tyres they used on those! The helicopter's tyres? CZZ-032 is my friend's modified Lada.
    He is using vintage Japanese rims that fits - I liked his "salt shaker top" style old rims better. Back in the communist era here in Hungary some could get some - I guess - BMW rims that also fits. But in Soviet Russia those were absolutelly unavailable. I wondering how those racers are avoid attention from authorities with those very obvious rims...

    1. thank you! I was relating the information from that website I linked to, if you had told me about the helicopter wheels we could have scooped them on the story!
