Thursday, February 01, 2024

great idea for a subtle bit of humor ... paint the traction bar to look like PVC pipe

there are a lot of amusing photos on


  1. This is not a very good design as they have the axle with two different length swing or travel arc. If it sees much suspension travel either the front half of that spring or that added lower tube will cause a bind in the design. Only saving grace might be when the vehicle is at ride height and that new tube is close to parallel but I'm betting against that. I have seen jacked up big tire "Rock Climber" style street trucks break parts causing the axle to roll and the tires kill the truck bed sides. I believe there are several well thought out systems for this type of problem. I have a thick automotive engineering design bock that goes back to very early automotive designs that probably have something like this. Will have to look for that book and see what I can find.

    1. don't look it up on my account. Suspension design doesn't interest me much

  2. This is so funny!

    1. I love innovative humor like this!
