Sunday, January 21, 2024

Laguna Seca, in business since 1957, is getting legal pressure to shut down, by the country club neighbors, who all moved next to the race track... now that they are looking to eliminate the track noise, and probably, profit from the area getting more golf courses where the track is

another issue is that the race track is on county owned land, instead of having purchased and owned it's own property. I am pretty sure that's a big mistake to allow your future to be in some govt employees control, subject to election and reelection campaign donations. 


  1. Seems like the track could just require mufflers on all the cars. if the weight is the same it would be fair, since all the cars had it, and do modern mufflers really hurt performance?

    1. very good point. If the noise is a legit problem to continuing in business... simply add mufflers, and a Db meter

    2. you're right, race cars do not NEED to be free exhaust. It's not like the extra 5 horsepower is going to be what those race cars need o make it up the hill!
