Monday, November 27, 2023

I just learned there is a charity for "veteran recovery through motorsport" (I thought I had to fund my own blog, life, and problems, who knew there was a charity for it?)

 it seems they sell things to raise money,

well, of course, you can simply donate too...   Offering Motorsports Recovery Opportunities to Medically Retiring Service Members

"To engage, through Motorsport opportunities, medically retiring or retired service members affected by military service, aiding in their recovery."

Oh... it's for medically separating vets or those who could use some very fun recovery therapy via racing. Well, shit. It does remind me that I'm fortunate not to be medically discharged, but also reminds me that unless you retire from the military, no one has you in mind for anything at all for just doing one, or a couple enlistments. 


  1. Lowes & Home Depot gives us 10% off......;-)

  2. When I was working in the Wichita, Kansas area around 2011-12 I moved my healthcare to the VA. Ended up being put in the TBI/Polytrauma and Spinal Injury Clinic. This was only one in four TBI clinics in the system and I being a Vietnam guy very seldom excepted in that program. I asked if it was because they wanted to see experiment on my ole carcass and was told sorta. I actually felt guilt about being there as there a huge number of wheel chair bound men and worse in that clinic. Really makes you realize just how fortunate you can be. Most all of these guys were current IED war injuries long after VN. Every visit I would stop in the chapel and just clear my mind. Still do if I have time in the local VA. I appreciate all of the programs that help physically and mentally disabled veterans. Someday I will have to tell you how I got to VN and into the VA system. Thanks for what you do!
