Friday, October 20, 2023

take a moment to appreciate that the clearance bar is still standing after a dump truck plowed into it

 Clappison's Corners is a community located in the city of Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. 
you might wonder why anyone would put a block to truckers going from a gas station to the Wendys/ Tim Hortons next to it

I'm guessing the gas station did install that barricade to stop truckers from passing through it's parking lot, and not stopping to spend money. 

Yes, really. 


  1. Did he hit that at night? How did he not see that giant yellow bar? And yeah, whoever planted that thing needs to come work on my house foundation.

    1. there is no info with the original 3 images, I had to look it up on Google maps to get the rest.
      I guess he was drunk, or maybe distracted by a phone, or something... that yellow paint would likely show up really well in headlights
      Either way, that barrier is STOUT, and ought to have a scoreboard!
