Saturday, June 24, 2023

and now you know what to buy kids for a gift... this is pretty amazing... it's known as a gesture sensing RC crawler



  1. Did you watch "China Beach" when it was on TV back around 1990? I remember it being a good show, from what I saw of it back then. I don't think it's available for streaming anywhere.

  2. Sorry, wrong post. I meant to post that on the story about the nurse from the Viet Nam war.

    1. that's okay, you're among friends and I doubt anyone is going to look for comments in this, or any other post.
      No, I never heard of China Beach.... But, I was VERY busy and without a tv of my own in 1990. After graduating high school on May 29th 1989, I was in Navy schools for 2 years, rarely having access to a tv that wasn't in a barracks tv room, already stuck on sports or MTV. It probably wasn't until 1993 or so that I had any time to watch much tv at all, and not until 1996 that I finally had plenty of spare time to watch tv a good deal as much as I wanted to. Only in the past decade have I been swimming in tv as much as I'd like, as it's the least expensive entertainment I know of, and streaming channels like Netflix, Hulu, etc have so much incredible content I'm hardly ever even buying blu rays anymore. Well, 2020 and the covid Hollywood shutdown had a lot to do with that too.
      I'll look up China Beach's previews on You Tube, and see what it was about - and it's sad that so many shows are not available anywhere on streaming... it seems like such a no brainer to run those inexpensively instead of risk a budget on a new script, actors, productions, investors and all that to SEE if the new show will find decent ratings.
      We really have lived through the great years of TV, being able to see everything from the Little Rascals and 3 Stooges, to Honeymooners, Mouseketeers, saturday morning cartoons, all the sitcoms of the 80s and 90s, the incredible recent dramas like Sopranos, Breaking Bad, Game of Thrones, Stranger Things, etc

    2. China Beach was a series about a fictional hospital base in Viet Nam and the people stationed there. It was supposed to be based on real stories from the war. Dana Delaney was the main character, as a nurse at the base. There were some pretty well known actors in the series, including Marg Helgenberg, Michael Boatman and Ricky Lake. I read that it was on for four seasons before it was cancelled, and they didn't get to resolve all of the characters' stories.

    3. That looks good! Maybe a bit too drama for me, I prefer something between MASH, Scrubs, and ER but I kid you not, I've even had an idea for a forward ops medical unit tv series, set in WW2, and yeah, I posted about it, about 7 years ago, when I came across ambulance nurses who knitted in between battles, sitting on the running board of their ambulance.
