Saturday, January 01, 2022

since 40% of the electricity generated in the U.S. is from coal-fired plants, it follows that 40% of the EVs on the road are coal-powered

 thanks Mike!


  1. The quicker that coal number keeps droping and we switch to solar and wind with battery storage the better we'll be.

    Just one amazing item from this article that stood out to me:

    "So here’s a thought experiment: What if the entire U.S. light-duty vehicle fleet (currently about 270 million cars and trucks) were electrified by 2030 and we expanded wind and solar generation at a rapid pace, while eliminating coal power, at the same time?

    The result is that we not only end up with a drop in U.S. carbon emissions of almost 30%, but also a far more efficient system overall."

    1. since the electric infrastructure is not able to cope with a hot day at this time, in California, or a cold day in Texas... if you're caught up with current events, and the water reservoirs are going dry and their hydro electric plants aren't able to spin us some electricity... I'd say that an 8 year goal, or 13 if you prefer the idiotic notion of 2035, is clearly a pipe dream.
      Tell me how people in New York City, LA, San Fran, Chicago, and other megatropolis cities are going to charge their electric cars.... at the same time, without causing a black out. OR, like the article I just posted last week, how the people in a crowded city like Tel Aviv have proven, haven't you realized that there aren't enough parking locations with access to a private charging port... and city streets aren't going to get a charging port per parking spot.
      Instead, consider, what about that Hydrogen powered car idea? Or, compressed air?
      I'm not interested in carbon emissions stats, the amount isn't something I can do anything about, not even a tiny fraction.
      Humans are wasteful, lazy, etc... and we're going to wreck this planet for humankinds long term survival. The amount of waste we produce is staggering. The amount of pollution, unbelievable. Meanwhile, they are deforesting the Amazonian basin.
      Screwing with lawnmowers, generators, and other idiotic measures in California, just won't do a damn thing but irritate everyone in California to move somewhere that is less of a aggravation, with less expensive homes.
      Have you heard what the cost of the wind farms are, per generator? Have you heard how much mining has to take place to make one electric car battery? I doubt you're going to look those up. I expect you're not interesting in the fundamental information that indicates how much diesel it takes to power the mining operations too.
