Tuesday, November 10, 2020

from concept to reality



  1. In the article starting ' I never been interested in hit or miss, the red engine pictured is NOT the one built by Leo Beauchamp. It is green and I have it. I saw Leo, my Uncle in his shop on Aurora Street in Ironwood with the engine. When he died, it was given to his son in Seattle, Wa. When he died, it went to my father, Leo brother, who gave it to me. I still have it and runs.

    1. https://justacarguy.blogspot.com/2020/11/ive-never-been-very-interested-in-hit.html is the link to that article.
      Glad to be corrected, it was a misinterpretation of the article at https://www.gasenginemagazine.com/old-iron-questions/ironwood-engine-blueprints-zmoz19djzhur/
      Send me some photos! Lets get this corrected! jbohjkl@yahoo.com is my email
