Thursday, February 14, 2019

WOW, a look into a 1934 Packard dealership accessory and parts pick up room, lots of cool stuff!

for full size see

notice the 3 panel sliding door behind the parts delivery car

seems plenty of delivery drivers have spun the tires!

interesting stuff in the display counter

notice the model identification poster behind the mechanics, and the trunk on the wall in the back

and the timeclock? 


  1. Well....aren't they a happy bunch!

    1. lol... well, over worked, underpaid, and with better things to do then pose for a photo I bet

  2. I guess back then there weren't as many aftermarket sources of parts, so every garage and DIY mechanic had to go to a dealer for parts.
    I'd say from the tire marks, just as many people back in the day went away aggravated from the dealer's parts department as they do today.;o)
