Monday, July 10, 2017

the Ben Hur chariot race scene, reminds me that cars have another benefit that all our horse riding ancestors never got, freedom from horse farts

the video below, a making of with a couple short interviews with the lead actors, does work, just press play on the arrow symbol

Phil Neilson, the second unit director, in charge of pulling off Bekmambetov's vision for the scene, tells USA TODAY that planning took six months before the lengthy shooting process. "135 hours of race footage. My original cut was 20 minutes of non-stop insanity whittled down to eight minutes,"

Unexpectedly, the actors on the chariots had to deal with lots of horse spit, froth, and farts

1 comment:

  1. Did no one tell them Beef-a-reeno is not part of a horse's natural diet.
