Wednesday, July 22, 2015

The DeWitt Clinton train (1831) exhibited on railroad flat car to spectators.

In early 1831 Goold & Co. received a commission for what would prove to be his legacy, the construction of six coach tops for the Mohawk and Hudson Rail Road Company. Those coaches were the first passenger cars constructed for an American railroad, and their motive power was furnished by the DeWitt Clinton, America’s most famous steam rail road engine which was named for the recently deceased governor of New York.

The 'DeWitt Clinton' locomotive was constructed by Cold Spring, New York's West Point Foundry (1817-1911), the same firm that constructed the 'Best Friend of Charleston' - America's first locomotive - for the South Carolina Canal & Railroad Co. in 1830.

It's going to take more time than I have right now to finish this post, but this recreation of the DeWitt Clinton train is in the Henry Ford museum

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