Sunday, January 12, 2014

Who topped the list of most profit per car sold? Not the luxury brands

Toyota earned per vehicle sold more than any other mass manufacturer

The core business often becomes financial services and other sectors. How profitable the actual automobile business is, expert Ferdinand Dudenhöffer focused on the balance sheet indicators in purely operational core business. Other areas such as financial services, real estate, supply activities or special effects, depreciation and amortization, which can greatly affect the overall balance of a group, were not included.

Toyota made about 9.5% per unit, this was more than any other mass manufacturer, Hyundai Kia was second with 9.3%

translated from German at


  1. Was this 2013? That's a great profit margin for a company with that kind of volume.

    1. Yes, this was posted in January 2014, so the data is prior to that...
