Thursday, September 05, 2024

a real no-kidding retirement gold watch, presentation piece variety, kinda neat and unusual


  1. Nowadays, you're probably lucky if you get a handshake

    1. that's for sure. However, it's probably rarer for anyone to work for one company long enough to retire from it. I guess it's more likely if a person is in management, with a college degree etc, and maybe knows how to do computer code stuff, or engineering.... but the majority of the world simply doesn't get lucky, or rich, or live long enough to retire. We all found out how many people were laid off because one Chinese biological warfare research center let one germ loose... instantly, 40 million Americans were unemployed. Most other countries were similarly in unusual circumstances. New Zealand sealed the airports. Anyway, so many companies and corporations only last 20-30 years, if that. I know a lot of guys who can't stop working, because they need more money to get by than Social Security pays. Look how many people lost their retirement funds because of 401k being the modern basis of investments, or the Enron disaster, or GM going bankrupt?
