Friday, August 16, 2024

Furiosa is now streaming on Max... and it's much better than any other Mad Max movie

 I think you'll agree

The story is better, the vehicles are cooler. 

I don't think the actors are better, just different, and it isn't easy to top Fury Road. But they did it. Chris Hemsworth is unrecognizable. that's how good of an actor he is.

I hope they make another... with Furiosa they proved that there is a lot more of that post-apocalyptic world to explore and more stories to tell, like the origin of gastown and bullet town


  1. I love your dedication to all things wheels, I worked on Furiosa so I'm stoked that you love the film. You should check out the extensive BTS material I shot as the vehicles were incredible and all custom made for the film out of scrap parts. They built the biggest workshop you've ever seen!

    1. thank you! I love the Mad Max recent vehicles! You probably didn't notice the tags and links... but here's the other posts on the Mad Max vehicles
      What is BTS material?
      And hell yes I will as soon as I find out what shop and see the extras and "making of" on the blu ray!
      What work on the film did you do, and how the hell did you come across my blog? I'm glad you like it, as I love what you've done too! Working on incredible big movies sounds like a terrific way to make a living!

    2. did you see the Pixar homage to the Mad Max Fury Road?

    3. BTS is Behind the Scenes
