Monday, July 08, 2024

F1, a Brad Pitt movie, hits theaters next year

the video seems to be restricted to only being seen on You Tube, but, the movie is going to be on Apple Tv. Hmm. Anyway, go see the preview on You tube, it's worth it. 

I think this will be compared to Ron Howard's movie, James Garner's, Steve McQueen's, and Stallone's. (Rush, Grand Prix, LeMans, Driven)

Are there other similar Hollywood movies about F1/Grand Prix movies? 


  1. I don't know how good the story or acting will be, but it will be great to see the racing action on a big screen. This movie will probably be worth the cost to see on Imax.

  2. With Brad Pitt starring in it I would not go if they paid me. Just my two cents worth! When the Grand Prix ran raced in 1984 at Dallas I did all of the welding of the broken or damaged parts they drought from Detroit. Also did some aluminum modifications on the Ferrari's as they were having heating problems due to the high temperatures that year. I really learned a lot about those cars and how much money was really in play. I would have payed them if I would have them for that experience. Told them to put me down for the 85 race but there was no more races there due to a number of issues.
